April 5, 2010
We called it, "Operation Engagement". The undercover operation began 2 weeks ago when Jon told us he was going to ask Julie to marry him on Friday, April 2nd! We knew the engagement party would be a surprise for Julie but we really wanted our coming to Florida to be a surprise for Jon too. We rather enjoyed the deception that flowed the following 2 weeks :). We became quite adept at expressing our intense sorrow over missing their big day :). By God's grace we pulled it off and oh how much fun it was! Here are a few shots taken by many- of their big day!
SO much fun Gisele:)) Jeremy and I were engaged on Easter..12 yrs ago!
So, so, soooooo excited!!
Oh My Goodness G.! I first read this as Jon was going to ask Julie to marry him on April 2, meaning that they were getting married on April 2!~ha. Now that my heart is back in my chest, YEAH. Is God good or what?!?!~Love you muchly!~Reesa...;o)
So fun!!!! Love the pics, my friend!!! yay!!!!
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