He is on the move right now!

August 20, 2010

"Love produces hope. If we, in our misery, are absolutely persuaded of God's love, we will be confident that he will deliver us. Therefore, we hope in him. We can wait as long as it takes, because we are sure that he hears us and loves us. He will come. He will deliver. In fact, he is on the move right now. God's loves inspires both an eagerness to be with him and a confidence that he is true to his word, so we know he will come. It is these two - eagerness and confidence - that combine to form hope." ~Ed Welch

I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope. Psalm 130:5

Ruth Graham

August 19, 2010

I just watched this beautiful tribute to Ruth Graham and I have to share it!
Oh be wonderfully blessed!!
(Pause music player- below on right)


August 15, 2010

Are you in a season of waiting? I am. I love what Andrew Murray says, "The waiting is to teach us our absolute dependence upon Gods mighty working, and to make us in perfect patience~ place ourselves at His disposal. " There is much to do while waiting! I love this song :). (Please pause the player down on the right)

A Divine Story

If God is sovereign, then he is control of all the details of my life. If he is loving, then he is going to be shaping the details of my life for my good. If he is all-wise, then he’s not going to do everything I want because I don’t know what I need. If he is patient, then he is going to take time to do all this. When we put these all together–God’s sovereignty, love, wisdom, and patience–we have a divine story.

Paul Miller~ A Praying Life

Victory Junction 2010

August 1, 2010

Life has flown by since Miri returned from Victory Junction! This link should bring you to the VJ video page so if you'd like, you can view a video of the camp. Just click on "Camp Overview Video". It's truly amazing!

Thank you everyone for your prayers. She had a fabulous time!! Here are a few shots from her epic week :).