
Nov. 3, 2009

My friend Reesa sent this today-
“It is not faith to trust God as a saint when you feel you are a saint. Faith is to trust Christ as a sinner—while you are conscious that you are a sinner. To come to Jesus and to think yourselves pure, is a sorry coming to Him—but to come with all your impurity—this is true coming.” Spurgeon

I love Oswald Chamber's definition of faith:

“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.”

Lastly C.S. Lewis:

“Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods”


Reesa said...

WOW. CS Lewis was a very wise man. I had to read that over and over to get it all. I think that's one that is going up on my bathroom mirrow! Thanks babes. Love you muchly and then some!~Reesa...;o)

Bill Brown said...

I like Piper's too, "Saving faith is trusting in and treasuring all that God is for us in Jesus."