Enjoy Them...

April 27, 2009

It has been a bit of an emotional morning. I am teeter-tottering between joy and sorrow :). Joy!! Today is Jonathan's last full day of college classes. All he has left are his finals. We so thank the Lord for our son. Sorrow- where has the time gone? Wasn't it just yesterday when I first started homeschooling him?

I was given priceless counsel when I was very pregnant with Jonathan. A precious older woman stopped me in a public place and with conviction she implored me to enjoy every minute with my child. Speaking from much experience, she said time will indeed fly by. It sure has. I have thought of her counsel many times thru the years and found myself eager to share it with a dear friend at church this past Sunday who is pregnant with her first son. Enjoy every minute- savor those midnight feedings- the laughs- even the sorrows. Train them but oh enjoy them!! They are truly gifts from the Lord which is what Jonathan's name means... "God's gift". Amen!

Jonathan's first day of school~9/1991

Jonathan's last day of classes~4/2009


Hilary Ann said...

Thank you for that wonderful advice! Congratulations to Jon on his last day . . . he looks pretty happy to be on the home stretch =)

Jeanie said...

I have heard this advice so often and in just 3 short years as a Mom have learned it couldn't be more true!! There probably isn't a day that goes by that I don't think how quickly my girls are growing up. Thanks for the wonderful reminder! And thanks for your wonderful example as a Mom!

Reesa said...

O.K. So now I just busted into tears again! ..;o) It has been an emotional day for me. Lots of joy filled tears at dwelling on the unbelievable truths of God's word. How could He possibly be so faithful to me? And why would He even want to be? I truly don't get it. Thanks for sharing "our Jon" with us. You have done an outstanding job being His mommy. I love you all muchly!~Reesa...;o)