If I could do it again...

April 29, 2009

Jon~ around 8 months :)

I'm reminiscing a lot these days as our first born is ready to graduate college in about a week. I need to be very careful because I'm learning that it is not fruitless spending time wishing I could re-write history. It can indeed produce fruit- guilt and regret. Instead, as I look back, I am looking for evidence that the Lord was at work- shaping and molding my son into the man of God he is today and I'm looking to learn. How did I do as a mom? How could I have better showed him the love of Christ? Does he truly know who he is in Christ? Will he forget the times I was impatient when he looks back? Taylor has a few more years at home and Miri several more. So... I tread back carefully in hopes it will serve!

If I could do it again- I would:

Hug and kiss them more!

Remind them faithfully of the promises of God all throughout life.

When confronting their sin- I would more faithfully remind them of their need of a Savior and tell them yet again of the glorious Gospel. I would make every effort to leave them with hope and not discouragement. I would make sure to evaluate my own heart in the situation. What is surfacing in MY heart when THEY sin? Am I as eager to tend to my own heart as I am theirs? The goal is to point them to the Savior and show them in all ways how glorious He is!!

I’d realize that no matter how they conform on the outside- their hearts are the most important. I realize it’s easy to spend one’s whole life focusing on the ‘frame’ and less on the picture.

I would offer them many more opportunities to serve the needy. It’s so easy in this culture to become self focused.

I would have prayed with them more when needs arose. I fear I displayed self-sufficiency too often.

Lastly- (for now!) I would have trusted my Savior more. He has indeed proven to be oh so faithful! He has done a work in the hearts of my young men that no amount of my lecturing could have produced!! He shed His love abroad in their hearts. He also used dear friends in the faith over and over to help us point them to the Savior. We are oh so grateful!!

I welcome thoughts from others about this season. It is a precious but sobering time. God is faithful!


Teresa A Snyder said...

Great post again my friend! As you know, I finally became a mom, of twins 14 months ago. I have alot to learn from Tiny Girl (who still pee's on my carpet on an almost daily basis) and Colby Jack (who is much better behaved than T.G. but has his moments)! But back to your post. I know you did not raise Jon to be perfect, but you did raise him to reflect the One who is Perfect. And I know you did it in faith, which pleases God. And for that example, I am greatful. Love you muchly!~Reesa...;o)