More from the book~

May 16, 2009

Taylor (age 9) He sat down on the couch and the space heater had been facing the couch- so it was quite warm. Taylor cheerfully said "Wow! This really warms up my leg pits!" :)

Jon (age 6) Walked into the kitchen and joyfully announced... "This is SUCH an exciting house! I'm learning to tie my shoes and Taylor is learning how to go on the potty!" Yep- it was exciting!

Miri (age 9) We were teaching Miri about appropriate dress. A commercial came on while we were watching TV one day and I changed the channel because the girl's dress was inappropriate. Miri said "Well, at least her earrings were appropriate!" :)


Reesa said...

How unbelievably funny! You have the funniest boys. Isn't cool how God lets us experiences funny things like that, then brings them back for us to enjoy later?!?!?~ I am convinced that God has a sense of humor. Can't wait to get to heaven and tell all my funny stories! ha. Thanks again for sharing my friend. Your posts always puts a smile on my face, and a blessing in my heart. Love you muchly and then some!~Reesa..;o)