The book~

May 2, 2009

One of the cherished bits of counsel we received when the boys were little was to purchase a little book and write down memorable things they say or do. We started when Jonathan was about 3. Every now and then we pull the book out to everyone's delight! A few examples...

Jon- (age 7) He noticed that the suggested ages to play a certain board game were '2 and up'. He asked- "Does that mean no one older than up can play it?" :)

Taylor-(age 5) He asked me- "Does God have blood in his veins?" I asked him what he thought. His reply- "I think he does because there was blood on the cross."

Miri- (age 9) I told Miri about the Wright brothers who invented the airplane. Miri asked- "Who were the Left brothers?" :)

Do you have a book?


Jeanie said...

Love those! My Mom kept journals for all of us growing up and they are priceless treasures to me now! She gave me my first one for Alathea at her baby shower and I've filled it up and am now on her third! I use it to write memories, milestones and now the funny things she says too. Abi has one too, but now with two kids I've slowed down and write every few weeks. I'm sure your kids will find your book a priceless treasure too!

The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

After taking a few days off from the computer I'm back:) Can you believe that Jason had the very same high chair?? And this pic is living proof that Jon really did eat.Snort snort!!