
August 10, 2009

We have need of Him . . .
when we are dark—to enlighten us;
when we are dull and lifeless—to quicken us;
when we are weak—to strengthen us;
when we are tempted—to support us;
when we have fallen—to raise and restore us;
when we are disquieted with fears—to encourage us;

when we are full of doubts and perplexity—to comfort us and give us peace;
when we are staggering at the promises through unbelief—to increase our faith.
As none but Christ can do these things for us—He must be precious to our souls. "Yes, He is very precious to you who believe!" 1 Peter 2:7 John Fawcett


skisgirl said...

Just wanted to say "thanks" for your blog. :) I've been a bit teary eyed as of late for a number of reasons and coming here has made me laugh and cry (but the good kind). Love ya G!!