Family shot

August 2, 2009

Jon came home this weekend to get a few more of his things. Here's a quick shot right before he headed back down to sunny Florida :). Safe trip my son- we love you!!


Reesa said...

aww. what a fund shot. it was great having him "home" again with us. without a doubt, he gieves the best hugs ever!!! you all muchly!~Reesa...;o)

Fabi Pohlmann de Athayde said...

beautiful family! ;)

Teresa A Snyder said...

ah, wait a minute. I know I am extrememly sleep deprived but......what happen to all your post's since August 2? And, please pray that God would put me to sleep tonight. I never did fall to sleep and am heading down to the church bldg. clean in a couple of hours. No sense it trying to sleep now. So please pray......PLEASE...;o) Love you muchly my dear friend!~Reesa....;o)