
Okay Ladies... I have a question. I just made a recipe that included 1/2 cup of wine. We didn't have a wine bottle opener- so Jon came to the rescue (see below) with a drill and pliers to get the cork out! In the end we still couldn't get the cork out- but made a big enough hole to pour the 1/2 cup needed :). I know the easy answer is to just go buy a bottle opener- but is there another way to uncork a bottle??? :)

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Jules Anne said...

Gisele, Here's a site that shows you how to get a cork out without a wine bottle opener. But if you do need a bottle opener we have an extra.


The Brown Family said...

Thanks Julie!! Ha- I just shared this info with Jon and we both agreed that this would have been much easier than using the drill! ha- what I didn't post was I also broke off the tip of a knife while attempting to open the bottle! Ugg
Thanks for the info!

The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

Heh...heh. Scott would've gotten out the surgeon's tools and then dropped the cork into the bottle too. :) I tried to post a comment on your slide show and it wouldn't let me. Maybe I'm just stupid:) Dont respond to that:)