
January 26, 2009

Knowing I love quotes full of Truth that direct our gaze upward...my friend Reesa directed me to Bob Kauflin's blog today where I found this quote from Raymond Ortlund.

"We can settle into a routine of activities at church and in our small groups and Bible studies, with little expectation of anything new. The familiar becomes the predictable, and everything from here on out will be more of the same. We dip our teaspoon into the vast ocean of the living God. Holding that teaspoon in our hand, we say, “This is God.” We pour it out into our lives, and we say, “This is the Christian Experience.” (41)

This leads me to Octavius Winslow!

"And oh, what a Portion is God! All that He is and all that He has is ours! Every attribute of His being is over us, every perfection of His nature encircles us, every pulse of His heart beats for us, every glance of His eye smiles upon us. We dwell in God, and God dwells in us. It is not the world which is our portion, but HE who made, upholds and governs the world. It is not the creature who is our portion, but the Lord of angels and the Creator of men. Infinite portion! illimitable power! immeasurable grace! boundless love! all-satisfying good! all, all is ours!"

Let's set the teaspoon aside and receive ALL He has... amen?


Reesa said...

WOW, once again. Hey, this sounds familiar to me. ha. Keep them coming my dear. Love you muchly!~Reesa..;o)

Spirit of Adoption said...


skisgirl said...

What an awesome post this is.
I am glad to have found your blog. I will try to visit often. ;)
