Omnipotent Grace

March 17, 2009

"I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I want to be. I am not what I hope to be in another world. But still, I am not what I once used to be! By the grace of God, I am what I am!" John Newton

"Let none conclude that they have no grace, because they have many imperfections in their obedience. Your grace maybe very weak and imperfect, and yet you may be truly bornagain, and be a genuine son of God and heir of heaven." (Hopkins, 1670)

"The omnipotent grace of God can change and transform the worst and most hopeless; quicken those who are dead; and animate the groveling spirit with . . .new motives, new principles, new tastes, new feelings, new aspirations! John McDuff


Teresa A Snyder said...

WOW Again! This was very encouraging once again, especially after I have spent the last few days studying the Attributes of God. Love you all muchly!~Reesa.......;o)