Day 7

June 18, 2011

A few quotes from the book!

Taylor-age 4
Taylor said, "Mom, I love you a gozen infinities!"

Taylor- age 4
Taylor said, "Mom, you're the best part- you love me and I love you!"

Talyor- age 4
Taylor came into the kitchen with his eyes crossed and asked, "Why can't I see my face?" :)

Today has been a full day of errands! Taylor and Stephanie are painting a dresser in our garage. Dear Miri has been quite emotional lately as she's trying to process another beloved brother leaving home. Taylor hugged Miri for a while and then was so sweet to tell her she could keep hugging him while he worked :). Tears....

The dresser is going to be a beautiful yellow!!

Our Mocha (on left) has a playmate this week which has brought the house much laughter :). Meet the adorable Bailey Johnson!


Em Campbell said...

aw, that made me cry too! hang in there miri! he'll be back!